Advice on on a new highschool graduate moving to Puerto Rico?
I am recently graduated from high school and am planning on moving to Puerto Rico. Without having started my college plans yet, (I plan to eventually attend school in San Juan)I am concerned with finding a job and being able to afford to reside there. I have no family there, and only a little money saved. But I do speak Spanish at a intermediate level. Lastly, I am flexible with my standard of living and willing to work very hard. Is there any advice to make the relocation easier and for me to be able to live there? Thanks.
Puerto Rico - 2 Answers
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Hello. I am not going to lie to you & tell you it will be easy because it wont be. But I think it might be a good experience for you. Being young with no family to take care of makes it a good time to try something new. Its good that you speak some spanish because you will need it. Most colleges teach classes in spanish. If your spanish isnt good enough for that, then you should look into InterAmerican University, they have classes taught in english. College is cheaper in PR so that is a plus. You will need to live in the San Juan area if you dont plan on having a car. You can search on clasificadosonline for apartments & jobs. You can get an efficiency apart for $250-400 per month if you dont mind it being small & maybe not in the nicest area. Finding a job will be hard since you probably dont have any job skills yet. But you might be able to find something for minimum wage. Research before you decide & Make sure you or your parents always have enough money for a plane ticket home just incase things dont work out. Good luck :)
2 :
I will not lie to u Im considering moving myself to the us, bec things financially are not good and jobs are not either.think really good if u want it then do it but explore and then be broke wit no job not good
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
refurbishing car advice.?
refurbishing car advice.?
hey guys im not sure where to look anymore so ima just ask; i have a 2000 toyota celica gt (automatic) and this car was my highschool girlfriend so to say... this car has always been my dream car yes i know you probably think im retarded but this car was what got me to livin life so to speak. i left my home town San Juan, Puerto Rico at the age of 17 and joined the army. now about 3 years later i find myself going back home very soon and i finnaly want to accomplish the only thing that ive truley wanted to do since i saw the first commercials back when i was a snot nosed brat. i want to have a bad ass Celica. something that might actually give some of da haters back home something to truley hate.that said this is what im looking at as of today; this car has been sitting in the hot ass sun for years now so paint job is just stupidly nessasary and the engine got a little over the 100,000 mile death sentence for normal cars i got the little stuff down, my focus is on engine, trans, fuel, exaust systems, electrical... ect. Bassically i have no clue on where to start or what the hell im doing actually. i always find myself buying car mags for years now atually but im really just a poser cuz i really dont know what half of the discussions mean. all i know is that i love cars and i want to make mine something worth driving not that regretted piece of crap someone keeps hidden in the garage. i would also aprreciate some advice on how much id be looking at cost worthcuz honestly im not wealthy whatsoever and im saving up some money right now because i am currently deployed in afghanistan right now so this is my only real chance to realize this dream. i imajine there are a crap load of circumstances and details that ive left out and all i wrote was just some crazy sob story.but like i said i dont know where else to look and why not the professionals, mabey yall could at least point me toward someone that might help? keep up the excelent work. *ps: sorry about da spelling guys inglish isnt my first language.....
Maintenance & Repairs - 2 Answers
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1 :
Trust in God.
2 :
if you can find a repair manual online that would be a start. then start with getting it started and running, replace the old gas first then old oil and plugs etc. maybe wires if too old looking and before changing the plugs spray out the carb? when its running THEN the plugs! 2. tires and brake checked and replaced IF needed. tires probably are too old now, ck for tiny hairline web like cracks...replace cause not safe for driving. next the inside last is the body and paint. I'm going to be doing the same on mine too so good luck to you! hope it helped some. No problema mi Imigo soy rudy en los angeles! peace
hey guys im not sure where to look anymore so ima just ask; i have a 2000 toyota celica gt (automatic) and this car was my highschool girlfriend so to say... this car has always been my dream car yes i know you probably think im retarded but this car was what got me to livin life so to speak. i left my home town San Juan, Puerto Rico at the age of 17 and joined the army. now about 3 years later i find myself going back home very soon and i finnaly want to accomplish the only thing that ive truley wanted to do since i saw the first commercials back when i was a snot nosed brat. i want to have a bad ass Celica. something that might actually give some of da haters back home something to truley hate.that said this is what im looking at as of today; this car has been sitting in the hot ass sun for years now so paint job is just stupidly nessasary and the engine got a little over the 100,000 mile death sentence for normal cars i got the little stuff down, my focus is on engine, trans, fuel, exaust systems, electrical... ect. Bassically i have no clue on where to start or what the hell im doing actually. i always find myself buying car mags for years now atually but im really just a poser cuz i really dont know what half of the discussions mean. all i know is that i love cars and i want to make mine something worth driving not that regretted piece of crap someone keeps hidden in the garage. i would also aprreciate some advice on how much id be looking at cost worthcuz honestly im not wealthy whatsoever and im saving up some money right now because i am currently deployed in afghanistan right now so this is my only real chance to realize this dream. i imajine there are a crap load of circumstances and details that ive left out and all i wrote was just some crazy sob story.but like i said i dont know where else to look and why not the professionals, mabey yall could at least point me toward someone that might help? keep up the excelent work. *ps: sorry about da spelling guys inglish isnt my first language.....
Maintenance & Repairs - 2 Answers
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1 :
Trust in God.
2 :
if you can find a repair manual online that would be a start. then start with getting it started and running, replace the old gas first then old oil and plugs etc. maybe wires if too old looking and before changing the plugs spray out the carb? when its running THEN the plugs! 2. tires and brake checked and replaced IF needed. tires probably are too old now, ck for tiny hairline web like cracks...replace cause not safe for driving. next the inside last is the body and paint. I'm going to be doing the same on mine too so good luck to you! hope it helped some. No problema mi Imigo soy rudy en los angeles! peace
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Open question to people of Nicaraguan descent ONLY: Are the gringos ruining Nicaragua?
Open question to people of Nicaraguan descent ONLY: Are the gringos ruining Nicaragua?
I am a 33-year-old man of Nicaraguan descent and I immigrated to the United States in 1950 exactly one year after my parents fled Nicaragua because of Daniel Ortega and the Sandinista Liberation Front's purge of former PLN members who were still in the country. I have led a happy, fruitful and profitable existence in the United States for my 29 plus years of residing in this great country, and I would have never thought to abandon my adopted home for any other place in the world. But now that there is a possibly undocumented Black president in charge of the United States, who is advocating a form of " socialism " akin very much to early forms of Leninism and could eeriely turn into a form of NATIONAL SOCIALISM ( ala a certain Austrian-born man turned German dictator named Adolf Hitler ), and considering the overwhelming anti-Latino sentiment that is enveloping the United States of America every day, I am sad to say I am looking for more " familiar " surroundings and would prefer to be among people who share I share a common historical, racial and cultural bond with, much like the shared bonds I THOUGHT I had with the Americans, but I see they no longer exist, and quite possibly NEVER HAVE. I have visited Nicaragua Eight times since 1992, the last time being 2008, and I have not only seen the population boom in Managua of Nicaraguans but I have also seen the wholesale colonization of Nicaragua's treasured cities, such as Granada ( where my Maternal grandmother was born ), I have heard of the American and European encroachment into San Juan del Sur, and just yesterday I saw an article on MSN about how the great city of LEON, NICARAGUA is one of the top 5 places in the world for a gringo to retire on his SS pension. Now, seeing as how many gringos have enough money to buy the colonial homes and other parcels of rich and wonderful land has to offer, I cannot truly blame Daniel Ortega and his cronies for pocketing gringo and European cash for such a thing but unfortunately this coming at a high cost for the average, piss-poor Nicaraguan peasant who cannot afford to even live in a house, but rather has to make do with a few wood planks and a literal pot to pee in. When Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas came into power in 1979, it was only after 15 years of a guerrilla war waged against the admittingly corrupt Somoza regime by the Sandinistas, it's Cuban alliies, the total betrayal of Nicaragua's traditional allies like Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela, and ultimately though the sheer rage, frustration and anger of Nicaraguan " descamisados " ( paying homage to the late great " Reina " de Argentina, Eva Peron ) CAN SUCH A THING HAPPEN AGAIN IN NICARAGUA OR IS NICARAGUA FATED TO FINALLY BECOME A VASSAL STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOMETHING IT HAS RESISTED FOR OVER 2 CENTURIES IN ESSENCE BUT NOW THROUGH SHEER PART AND PARCEL, THROUGH ECONOMIC SERVITUDE AND ENSLAVEMENT ARE THE NICARAGUANS NOW FINALLY GOING TO BECOME TRUE SLAVES OF THE GRINGOS? Just a thought to ponder. I welcome all replies.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
geez you seem kinda bitter
2 :
I don't really think it's just gringos ruining Nicaragua...just tourism in general. It kind of messes with any culture. Honestly I didn't read the entire thing and I'm not that familiar with Nicaraguan history.
I am a 33-year-old man of Nicaraguan descent and I immigrated to the United States in 1950 exactly one year after my parents fled Nicaragua because of Daniel Ortega and the Sandinista Liberation Front's purge of former PLN members who were still in the country. I have led a happy, fruitful and profitable existence in the United States for my 29 plus years of residing in this great country, and I would have never thought to abandon my adopted home for any other place in the world. But now that there is a possibly undocumented Black president in charge of the United States, who is advocating a form of " socialism " akin very much to early forms of Leninism and could eeriely turn into a form of NATIONAL SOCIALISM ( ala a certain Austrian-born man turned German dictator named Adolf Hitler ), and considering the overwhelming anti-Latino sentiment that is enveloping the United States of America every day, I am sad to say I am looking for more " familiar " surroundings and would prefer to be among people who share I share a common historical, racial and cultural bond with, much like the shared bonds I THOUGHT I had with the Americans, but I see they no longer exist, and quite possibly NEVER HAVE. I have visited Nicaragua Eight times since 1992, the last time being 2008, and I have not only seen the population boom in Managua of Nicaraguans but I have also seen the wholesale colonization of Nicaragua's treasured cities, such as Granada ( where my Maternal grandmother was born ), I have heard of the American and European encroachment into San Juan del Sur, and just yesterday I saw an article on MSN about how the great city of LEON, NICARAGUA is one of the top 5 places in the world for a gringo to retire on his SS pension. Now, seeing as how many gringos have enough money to buy the colonial homes and other parcels of rich and wonderful land has to offer, I cannot truly blame Daniel Ortega and his cronies for pocketing gringo and European cash for such a thing but unfortunately this coming at a high cost for the average, piss-poor Nicaraguan peasant who cannot afford to even live in a house, but rather has to make do with a few wood planks and a literal pot to pee in. When Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas came into power in 1979, it was only after 15 years of a guerrilla war waged against the admittingly corrupt Somoza regime by the Sandinistas, it's Cuban alliies, the total betrayal of Nicaragua's traditional allies like Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela, and ultimately though the sheer rage, frustration and anger of Nicaraguan " descamisados " ( paying homage to the late great " Reina " de Argentina, Eva Peron ) CAN SUCH A THING HAPPEN AGAIN IN NICARAGUA OR IS NICARAGUA FATED TO FINALLY BECOME A VASSAL STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOMETHING IT HAS RESISTED FOR OVER 2 CENTURIES IN ESSENCE BUT NOW THROUGH SHEER PART AND PARCEL, THROUGH ECONOMIC SERVITUDE AND ENSLAVEMENT ARE THE NICARAGUANS NOW FINALLY GOING TO BECOME TRUE SLAVES OF THE GRINGOS? Just a thought to ponder. I welcome all replies.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
geez you seem kinda bitter
2 :
I don't really think it's just gringos ruining Nicaragua...just tourism in general. It kind of messes with any culture. Honestly I didn't read the entire thing and I'm not that familiar with Nicaraguan history.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
How do I become a vet tech?
How do I become a vet tech?
Hellooo guys :] So, I've been working at a pet hospital for about 8 months, and have gotten to do all kinds of vet tech stuff. I can't wait to make it my full time career, I've been wanting this since I was a little kid! I know you have to take courses from an AVMA certified college and then take the exam, but I'm not sure of some things, too. Here are some of my questions: I haven't gone to any college at all yet. I'm not planning on becoming a Veterinarian, just a vet tech. Still, should I try to take some science courses at my local community college before enrolling into a vet tech specific course? Do I still have to take college level math and english? There are 2 community colleges in my area with AVMA certified vet tech courses, and 1 more a little out of the way. A lot of the people I work with take credible online courses from AVMA certified sites, such as Penn Foster, and San Juan College. Right now, online college would be MUCH much easier, but I'm willing to wait a year until I can travel to an actual college if it's worth it. What are some pros and cons of both? Will it make a difference? I know veterinarians can become specialists. Is there such thing as Vet Tech Specialists? If there is, what is the wage difference between a vet tech and a vet tech specialist? (I'm not in it for the money, I'm just curious :D) Thanks!
Dogs - 2 Answers
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1 :
Go take your school transcript and speak with one of the colleges the vet tech course has higher standards to get in so you may not qualify but it is good you are getting experience.They will also answer all the pay questions and explain about specializing yes vet techs do specialize and they do make more money but it is a low paying field IMHO. Vet techs also have to take yearly courses to keep current. Like I said e-mail the college and ask to make an appointment to speak with the chair of the animal health program or wait till the college has a open house, I bet most colleges fill there animal health programs so sign up early to get yourself a spot and be ready for a hard 2 year course.
2 :
The online classes work great. Since you work at the clinic already the vet can check your work and verify it. At least that's how it works where I am. Call them. Good luck!
Hellooo guys :] So, I've been working at a pet hospital for about 8 months, and have gotten to do all kinds of vet tech stuff. I can't wait to make it my full time career, I've been wanting this since I was a little kid! I know you have to take courses from an AVMA certified college and then take the exam, but I'm not sure of some things, too. Here are some of my questions: I haven't gone to any college at all yet. I'm not planning on becoming a Veterinarian, just a vet tech. Still, should I try to take some science courses at my local community college before enrolling into a vet tech specific course? Do I still have to take college level math and english? There are 2 community colleges in my area with AVMA certified vet tech courses, and 1 more a little out of the way. A lot of the people I work with take credible online courses from AVMA certified sites, such as Penn Foster, and San Juan College. Right now, online college would be MUCH much easier, but I'm willing to wait a year until I can travel to an actual college if it's worth it. What are some pros and cons of both? Will it make a difference? I know veterinarians can become specialists. Is there such thing as Vet Tech Specialists? If there is, what is the wage difference between a vet tech and a vet tech specialist? (I'm not in it for the money, I'm just curious :D) Thanks!
Dogs - 2 Answers
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1 :
Go take your school transcript and speak with one of the colleges the vet tech course has higher standards to get in so you may not qualify but it is good you are getting experience.They will also answer all the pay questions and explain about specializing yes vet techs do specialize and they do make more money but it is a low paying field IMHO. Vet techs also have to take yearly courses to keep current. Like I said e-mail the college and ask to make an appointment to speak with the chair of the animal health program or wait till the college has a open house, I bet most colleges fill there animal health programs so sign up early to get yourself a spot and be ready for a hard 2 year course.
2 :
The online classes work great. Since you work at the clinic already the vet can check your work and verify it. At least that's how it works where I am. Call them. Good luck!
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