What can I do about a neo nazi who hides his racism?
He doesn't have a shaved head or wear doc martins? He even pretends to not hate minorities and even sells and lends money to them. But I know that he secretly loves Hitler and embraces the National Socialist ideology. He even makes up departments within his company so he can hire other white people instead of minorities. He call them 'assistants' and hires blacks and asians and 'executives' but allows the 'assistants' to make decisions behind closed doors. He's my neighbour and tried to recruit me and my 'Aryan' family. He offered me over $100,000 but I refused. Can I call the FBI or CIA to stop him? He has companies in Argentina and Brazil? What if this is world wide race hate?
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You sound paranoid.
2 :
You could also just ignore him and go on with your life.
3 :
have sex with him instead
4 :
First rule of trolling as an American ("Can I call the FBI or CIA"): we don't spell words like humor, favorite or neighbor with a U.
5 :
Second rule of trolling as an American: we use real quotation marks.
6 :
He sounds a bit dodgy and I'm not sure what the law is in the U.S, but I don't believe that by simply having the ideology that he has is illegal. If you can prove he is breaking some sort of anti-racism law or evading tax etc. then maybe you would have a case. Just because you live in America it doesn't mean you're from America does it?
7 :
I don't know why the countries he has companies in is important but ignore the fool. He has to right to believe what he wants (even if it is loony). If he discriminates on hiring based on Race, Color, Country of Origin, Sex, or Religion, he can create some legal problems.
8 :
You can be Pro-White without being Anti-Anyone
9 :
Follow him for a week and hack into his computer This could lead to a exciting adventure mixed with romance and a coming of age story you only see in movies Oh yea and Nazi gold
10 :
Well now in the post in law and ethics you said he is your boss.So which is it? Seems you are a troll.