Thursday, March 14, 2013

Where would you rather go......??

Where would you rather go......??
Buenos Aires, Argentina or Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic? I have to decide where to study abroad this summer for a month and I've gone back and forth and can't decide!! I would be going for the month of may and in Argentina I would stay with a host family and a hotel in Danto Domingo. I love experiencing new cultures, safety is a major concern of mine, I don't want to be too cold the whole time, and I don't want to be spending tons of money. In Argentina I would be studying globalization, environmental constraints, politics and economics and in the Dominican I would be studying the impacts of tourism on population growth and movement. I am hoping that someone with knowledge of the countries could offer me some insight into these two places to help me make my decision. Thanks so much!!
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I've been to Peru and Ecuador. I assume Argentina is similar. I'd call them "developing countries." I've been to the Dominican Republic. I consider it "third world." More crime, less culture. I'd vote for Argentina, based on my feelings about the country's safety, its culture, and I think the program of study sounds more interesting. Also, staying with a host family is a major plus in terms of safety and also learning the culture. So I give a very strong vote for Argentina.
2 :
I'd pick Argentina, and especially Buenos Aires. I've seen it on tv, and it's a beautiful city with a lot of cultural things going for it. It's on my list of places I hope to see. It seemed very European, in a way. I'm intrigued. Argentina had some civil unrest in past years, but that seems to have passed, and the country seems fairly peaceful. The Dominican Republic has its troubles. I know it's better now - a lot of my Dominican friends tell me it's gotten a lot better, a lot safer - but I'm still not feeling the love on that one. I'd be concerned about safety. Civil unrest is not all that unusual there, and seems to be increasing. In addition to asking here, check out the listings for both countries on the Lonely Planet website, and in the guidebooks for young people that you can get in the bookstore: Time Out, and the Rough Guides are good. The Lonely Planet and Rough Guides tend to be quite frank re: safety and etc. In addition, the Lonely Planet website has a forum where you can look up old questions and ask your own. It may be a good resource for you, as you try to make this decision.
3 :
hey! im a dominican, and i've lived here all my life. The thing here is that the country is too corrupted and yes, crime is getting better, you r deffinately NOT going to frezze, and it depends where u r staying in Argentina... public education here sucks, as i said, the country is wayyyy too corrupted. Everybody treats foreing people suuuuuuuper well, because we r a turistic nation, we feed on turist! (not literaly! XD) If ur going to a private college, like APEC you'll like it better. The public university though, is the FIRST one in america, i mean of the whole continent (proud of that!), so it has aaaa lot of history...but, there is way too many people, and, i hate to say it, dominicans are not the most educated people in the world, but hey! thats how we r!! also, if u r studing turism here, you'll be on the right place, cause turism is what is keeping this country up, and like, produces 75% of our income! Really, there are thousands of hotels, all the kinds, people from all over the globe. Also, you will be coming to the first colony in America, where Christopher Colombus set his hub for the expansion of Spain through the continent. There is not a country with more history and mixture of cultures in its folclore than us in America! we have the first hospital, the first cathedral, university, city, colony, CC house, street, etc... When my cousins come from the states, they love it here! "i wish i could live here!" and stuff, but hey! The ones who live here are desperate to get out...that's why im keeping a 4.0 GPA, so i can get a schoolarship and get out of here for at least 4 years! i think you would like it here, i mean, if it was more time, i wouldn't recomend it, the difference in culture and traditions, is toooooo big, but, for a month, i think it will be very insightful. Globalization you can study everywhere, but nothing better than to study in a hub of turism like in the DR!! There is not a country that looks more like Europe than us, since it was built by the spanish, most of it!! If u come, make sure u visist the colonial zone!! is wonderful at night, but if ur giong at night, make sure u are NOT alone, cause it is dangerous. Go in the day so u can take a tour! is soooooooo wonderful, is my fav place! if u can, go to Santiago to the Centro Leon! Is my favorite museum! It has all dominican history and culture in one building! The powerpoint presentation at the begining, almost makes me cry! is sooooo crazy gorgeous! there are tons of bargains in the colonial zone, in the street called "el conde", so u r not going to spend much! a dollar is 33 dominican pesos, so, do the math!! To resume, there is crime here, but if u are careful, you will be fine, i mean, crime is everywhere! you will love the summer heat, all visitors do! you'll leave with the hottest tan ever! you are going to learn so many things because you r going to live in a country that is devoted to serve their turists! i think u r even gonna learn some politics because that is always the topic of conversation me, u are going to understand what a third world country is, and that people here is not really miserable as people may think, but rather we learn to cope and be happy! i love my country, but like u, i want to expand my education and live in other type of place for a while...i would highly recomend u to come here! im sure you are going to love it! g.luck! check it out!