Open question to people of Nicaraguan descent ONLY: Are the gringos ruining Nicaragua?
I am a 33-year-old man of Nicaraguan descent and I immigrated to the United States in 1950 exactly one year after my parents fled Nicaragua because of Daniel Ortega and the Sandinista Liberation Front's purge of former PLN members who were still in the country. I have led a happy, fruitful and profitable existence in the United States for my 29 plus years of residing in this great country, and I would have never thought to abandon my adopted home for any other place in the world. But now that there is a possibly undocumented Black president in charge of the United States, who is advocating a form of " socialism " akin very much to early forms of Leninism and could eeriely turn into a form of NATIONAL SOCIALISM ( ala a certain Austrian-born man turned German dictator named Adolf Hitler ), and considering the overwhelming anti-Latino sentiment that is enveloping the United States of America every day, I am sad to say I am looking for more " familiar " surroundings and would prefer to be among people who share I share a common historical, racial and cultural bond with, much like the shared bonds I THOUGHT I had with the Americans, but I see they no longer exist, and quite possibly NEVER HAVE. I have visited Nicaragua Eight times since 1992, the last time being 2008, and I have not only seen the population boom in Managua of Nicaraguans but I have also seen the wholesale colonization of Nicaragua's treasured cities, such as Granada ( where my Maternal grandmother was born ), I have heard of the American and European encroachment into San Juan del Sur, and just yesterday I saw an article on MSN about how the great city of LEON, NICARAGUA is one of the top 5 places in the world for a gringo to retire on his SS pension. Now, seeing as how many gringos have enough money to buy the colonial homes and other parcels of rich and wonderful land has to offer, I cannot truly blame Daniel Ortega and his cronies for pocketing gringo and European cash for such a thing but unfortunately this coming at a high cost for the average, piss-poor Nicaraguan peasant who cannot afford to even live in a house, but rather has to make do with a few wood planks and a literal pot to pee in. When Daniel Ortega and the Sandinistas came into power in 1979, it was only after 15 years of a guerrilla war waged against the admittingly corrupt Somoza regime by the Sandinistas, it's Cuban alliies, the total betrayal of Nicaragua's traditional allies like Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela, and ultimately though the sheer rage, frustration and anger of Nicaraguan " descamisados " ( paying homage to the late great " Reina " de Argentina, Eva Peron ) CAN SUCH A THING HAPPEN AGAIN IN NICARAGUA OR IS NICARAGUA FATED TO FINALLY BECOME A VASSAL STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOMETHING IT HAS RESISTED FOR OVER 2 CENTURIES IN ESSENCE BUT NOW THROUGH SHEER PART AND PARCEL, THROUGH ECONOMIC SERVITUDE AND ENSLAVEMENT ARE THE NICARAGUANS NOW FINALLY GOING TO BECOME TRUE SLAVES OF THE GRINGOS? Just a thought to ponder. I welcome all replies.
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 :
geez you seem kinda bitter
2 :
I don't really think it's just gringos ruining Nicaragua...just tourism in general. It kind of messes with any culture. Honestly I didn't read the entire thing and I'm not that familiar with Nicaraguan history.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
someone would be kind enough to lend his membership of or secretdollz style doll?
someone would be kind enough to lend his membership of or secretdollz style doll?
it sounds a little ridiculous but I can not think of another way to enter the special services of these pages because I have no money available to buy is a promise not to misuse the same one that I'm a fan of the doll makerr and I like to have access to more accessories and clothing, if anyone could lend me your membership to enter would make me very happy! I hope you can help and many thanks from Ps: if this is badly written text you because I'm not very good English, I live in Argentina speak Spanish Greetings Madame_X =)
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers
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1 :
hablo español muy
it sounds a little ridiculous but I can not think of another way to enter the special services of these pages because I have no money available to buy is a promise not to misuse the same one that I'm a fan of the doll makerr and I like to have access to more accessories and clothing, if anyone could lend me your membership to enter would make me very happy! I hope you can help and many thanks from Ps: if this is badly written text you because I'm not very good English, I live in Argentina speak Spanish Greetings Madame_X =)
Video & Online Games - 1 Answers
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1 :
hablo español muy
Thursday, June 7, 2012
does anyone know french??i need help?
does anyone know french??i need help?
i need to write an essay about a famous person in french...the problem is that i cant understand french so if someone knows french can they please translate this text,if its too much then pls write a paragraph in french about messi,or send me a link were i can find someones biography in french "Born in the Santa Fe province of Argentina, Lionel Messi started kicking the ball at an early age and when he was just 5 years old, he joined the training sessions of the club his father was coaching at that time, Grandoli.Knowing that L.messi wont have a good future in Grandoli his father took him to an youth academy “old boysâ€when he was only 8 years old. Three years later, Messi was already showing promise and he was considered a huge future talent, but unfortunately he was diagnosed with a growth hormone,that could be cured but it would cost around 700$ per month,but the messi family didn’t have the money for it. Fortunately for the young player, FC Barcelona, who was already scouting him, learned of his problem and decided to help out and put the life of Leonel Messi back on its rightful track. Messi soon signed with Barcelona's youth team and moved to Spain for his treatment. Recovering from his growth problem,messi started playing regularly for FC Barcelona's youth squad and in a few years, he was taken to the B squad of Barcelona,where he managed an impressive 35 goals in 30 matches.he made it in the “big teamâ€in 2005,where he scored his first official goal against Albacete,he was only 17 years old.messi became the biggest star of Barcelona in the season 2006-2007 were he single-handedly beat chealsea in the champion league.nowdays messi is considered the best player of the world,and he is on a race with his team mates xavi and inesta for winning the “fifa ballon d or†witch will make him the best player of 2010.messi is called “the alienâ€cause people are amazed from his skills and they think that what he does with the ball is out of this world.he is my idol for football,i try to play like him in every more thing messi=bessi,its not a coincidence" if its too much then pls write a paragraph in french about messi,or send me a link were i can find someones biography in french
Languages - 2 Answers
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1 :
You will probably get the answer to your question on the French Language Section, loads of French speakers there. Hope this helps :D
2 :
Lionel Messi est né en Argentine, dans la province de Santa Fé. Dès son plus jeune âge, il a commencé à taper dans le ballon, et quand il a eu tout juste 5 ans, il a été admis dans le centre de formation dans le club où son père était entraîneur, Grandoli. Devinant que son fils n'aurait pas un grand avenir à Grandoli son père l'a pris dans une académie de jeunes "séniors" quand il a eu seulement 8 ans. 3 ans plus tard, Messi a commencé à faire ses preuves et a été considéré comme un joueur d'un immense talent, mais malheureusement, on lui a prescrit des hormones de croissaance, qui devaient le faire grandir, mais qui coûtaient près de 700$ par mois, mais la famille Messi n'était pas assez riche pour cela. Heureusement pour le jeune jouer, le FC Barcelone, qui l'avait déjà recruté, a eu connaissance du problème et a décidé de l'aider et a remis la vie de L. Messi sur la bonne voie. Messi a rapidement signé avec l'équipe junior de Barcelone et est parti suivre son traitement en Espagne. Tout en guérissant de ses problèmes de croissance, Messi a commencé à jouer régulièrement pour le FC Barcelone, où il a réussi l'exploit de marquer 35 buts en 30 matchs. Il en a fait partie de la "Grande Equipe" de 2005, où il a marqué son premier but officiel contre Albacete, il avait seulement 17 ans. Messi est devenu la plus grand star de Barcelone pendant la saison 2006-2007 où il a battu de peu Chelsea en ligue des Champions. De nos jours, Messi est reconnu comme le plus grand joueur du monde, et il est dans la course avec ses copains Xavi et Inesta pour gagner le ballon d'or de la FIFA, ce qui ferait de lui le meilleur joueur de 2010. On appelle Messi "l'alien" car les gens sont surpris de sont talent et il pensent que ce qu'il fait avec un ballon n'est pas de ce monde. C'est mon idole du football, j'essaie de jouer comme lui à chaque match. De plus messi = bessi, ce n'est pas une coïncidence.
i need to write an essay about a famous person in french...the problem is that i cant understand french so if someone knows french can they please translate this text,if its too much then pls write a paragraph in french about messi,or send me a link were i can find someones biography in french "Born in the Santa Fe province of Argentina, Lionel Messi started kicking the ball at an early age and when he was just 5 years old, he joined the training sessions of the club his father was coaching at that time, Grandoli.Knowing that L.messi wont have a good future in Grandoli his father took him to an youth academy “old boysâ€when he was only 8 years old. Three years later, Messi was already showing promise and he was considered a huge future talent, but unfortunately he was diagnosed with a growth hormone,that could be cured but it would cost around 700$ per month,but the messi family didn’t have the money for it. Fortunately for the young player, FC Barcelona, who was already scouting him, learned of his problem and decided to help out and put the life of Leonel Messi back on its rightful track. Messi soon signed with Barcelona's youth team and moved to Spain for his treatment. Recovering from his growth problem,messi started playing regularly for FC Barcelona's youth squad and in a few years, he was taken to the B squad of Barcelona,where he managed an impressive 35 goals in 30 matches.he made it in the “big teamâ€in 2005,where he scored his first official goal against Albacete,he was only 17 years old.messi became the biggest star of Barcelona in the season 2006-2007 were he single-handedly beat chealsea in the champion league.nowdays messi is considered the best player of the world,and he is on a race with his team mates xavi and inesta for winning the “fifa ballon d or†witch will make him the best player of 2010.messi is called “the alienâ€cause people are amazed from his skills and they think that what he does with the ball is out of this world.he is my idol for football,i try to play like him in every more thing messi=bessi,its not a coincidence" if its too much then pls write a paragraph in french about messi,or send me a link were i can find someones biography in french
Languages - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You will probably get the answer to your question on the French Language Section, loads of French speakers there. Hope this helps :D
2 :
Lionel Messi est né en Argentine, dans la province de Santa Fé. Dès son plus jeune âge, il a commencé à taper dans le ballon, et quand il a eu tout juste 5 ans, il a été admis dans le centre de formation dans le club où son père était entraîneur, Grandoli. Devinant que son fils n'aurait pas un grand avenir à Grandoli son père l'a pris dans une académie de jeunes "séniors" quand il a eu seulement 8 ans. 3 ans plus tard, Messi a commencé à faire ses preuves et a été considéré comme un joueur d'un immense talent, mais malheureusement, on lui a prescrit des hormones de croissaance, qui devaient le faire grandir, mais qui coûtaient près de 700$ par mois, mais la famille Messi n'était pas assez riche pour cela. Heureusement pour le jeune jouer, le FC Barcelone, qui l'avait déjà recruté, a eu connaissance du problème et a décidé de l'aider et a remis la vie de L. Messi sur la bonne voie. Messi a rapidement signé avec l'équipe junior de Barcelone et est parti suivre son traitement en Espagne. Tout en guérissant de ses problèmes de croissance, Messi a commencé à jouer régulièrement pour le FC Barcelone, où il a réussi l'exploit de marquer 35 buts en 30 matchs. Il en a fait partie de la "Grande Equipe" de 2005, où il a marqué son premier but officiel contre Albacete, il avait seulement 17 ans. Messi est devenu la plus grand star de Barcelone pendant la saison 2006-2007 où il a battu de peu Chelsea en ligue des Champions. De nos jours, Messi est reconnu comme le plus grand joueur du monde, et il est dans la course avec ses copains Xavi et Inesta pour gagner le ballon d'or de la FIFA, ce qui ferait de lui le meilleur joueur de 2010. On appelle Messi "l'alien" car les gens sont surpris de sont talent et il pensent que ce qu'il fait avec un ballon n'est pas de ce monde. C'est mon idole du football, j'essaie de jouer comme lui à chaque match. De plus messi = bessi, ce n'est pas une coïncidence.
Friday, June 1, 2012
After all this losses, failures, bad results, etc. I would propose the following (below) are you with me?
After all this losses, failures, bad results, etc. I would propose the following (below) are you with me?
I think the FMF (Federacion Mexicana de Futbol) should have a PLAN where the FMF heads (FMF Director, EL TRI responsible), Owners, Coaches, Players, Fand and Press get together to bring all up for a better abd brighter future. Here's my proposal (short one): 1. FMF: A) plan ahead. Have a calendar with the games for all the clubs (nationally, internationally -Libertadores, Sudamericana, Concafaf, etc.) that may affect EL TRI prep so in FECHAS FIFA they can count with ALL the players. B) Get to play against the best of the best: Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Holland, England, Italy, etc. more often so the experience is enriching. 2) Owners: spend more money in FUERZAS BASICAS. The future is there and we need more tall, stronger strikers with hability of dribbling. Yes, we need to "MAKE UP" these players, feed them well, a lot of weigths, gym and mental prep, etc. Support EL TRI more than anything else and export players to best leagues. will continue... 3) Coaches (currently working with teams). Impact the players minds for those that are EL TRI material. Better prep, study more, get to Europe for additional studies. etc. I propose a tandem for EL TRI with Pekerman and Hugo (as a assistant coach) or Ramirez (since he knows al these youngsters). I think 2 is better than one. A good adviser is NEEDED right next to the coach!!! 4) Players: work harder, stay after practices just as Hugo used to do it. Improve in the areas they know they lack of: el juego por arriba, el juego rapido por las bandas, desaciertos a balon parado, etc. 5) Fans: always, always be united. Those fights Mexicans vs Mexicans in the stadiums is just a reflect of what happens to our futbol. We want our team to perform 100% and we give 20.. WE ALL have to be an example of discipline, love for our country, whether we work in a factory, as a dishwasher in a restaurant, collecting cotton or grapes, being an onwer of a company... we are Mexican, wherever we go and we should support EL TRI. If we don't like something, then we shouldn't pay to watch the games because that's what the FMF does: focus on our money. If they don't come up with a long-term plan, we will never succeed. let's give them an example on how we could succeed, a living example of the Mexican force in the US that against all odd have a better,decent life that in our beloved country. and 6) Press... there's no help if they just laugh about the missing scoring chances or what Hugo brings to the table. They should be critics in the best way but only to get our futbol better, trying to help our futbol. Many of them just criticize for the sake of them pero no aportan nada bueno... en fin... verdad Carlos Albert? I wanted to take my frustration out to not seeing our team in the Olympics.. great generation that hopefully can get us something to cheer in 2010, 2014 and 2018.
Mexican Football (Soccer) - 8 Answers
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1 :
My plan would to try and figure out a way to get the FMF to try and make a contract with Serie A or La Iiga to let them experiment with mexican players. It would be like we let you borrow some of ours and you let us borrow some of yours. that way mexicans are playing in the top leagues and semi-top players are playing in the Primera division making it more challenging. It sounds silly but it could work. Yea mexico need to play England and Portugal etc. More friendlies would totally help. Send our Fuerzas basicas to top Second division teams or lower middle ranked teams. Make them play against teams that are known for playing soccer. i know im a horrible planner but it could work! other than that i agree with you.
2 :
you want to play against the best of the best but too bad they dont want to play with you and it's not because they are afraid of losing.
3 :
yeah ? right on ! lol sorry i dont watch mexican footie nuff
4 :
I read your proposal and it sounds like a great idea but it wont work!!! First.....they wont ever have the full schedual for any of the outside tournaments that the FMF teams will play in!! For example......they cant get the calander for the libertadores because it they dont know what teams will qualify from winning the interliga, and if they will make it passed the first round! Also the FMF only cares about the money....DID you know that if they fire Hugo right now....the FMF will lost money by NOT having him on the bench?? Its all a damn bussiness and people need to speak up and bring all these things to light or else the FMF and the National team wont ever amount to anything!! Mexico doesnt play against any GOOD european teams becuase they dont want to pay the big sum of money that the FMF asks for to play with Mexico!! So if anything needs to change....its the greed of the FMF.
5 :
Its a very ambitious plan, but I like it. We have to start somewhere. Its just like building an economy, where by you need the support of the entire country. Might just work.
6 :
every futbol federation around the world is like politics, they can promise, do good, do bad, dissapoint......and everyone is always going to either complain or applaud. you have good points, but its easier said than done. about the fuerzas basicas im with you 110%, they the future, everyone should get an example from Chivas & young players every season.
7 :
sounds like a plan to me now all thats left is that the people in the fmf actually do whats right for the sport and not their purse
8 :
You made VERY good suggestions and I have no doubt that if the FMF, Coaches, Players, Press, etc. did that we would IMMENSELY improve. But I'm afraid that will not happen. I doubt they will ever formally get together and make those resolutions. WE the fans can try to make things better like you mentioned by NOT fighting and supporting La Seleccion as much as we can. Other than that we can just hope for the best.
I think the FMF (Federacion Mexicana de Futbol) should have a PLAN where the FMF heads (FMF Director, EL TRI responsible), Owners, Coaches, Players, Fand and Press get together to bring all up for a better abd brighter future. Here's my proposal (short one): 1. FMF: A) plan ahead. Have a calendar with the games for all the clubs (nationally, internationally -Libertadores, Sudamericana, Concafaf, etc.) that may affect EL TRI prep so in FECHAS FIFA they can count with ALL the players. B) Get to play against the best of the best: Brazil, Argentina, Germany, France, Holland, England, Italy, etc. more often so the experience is enriching. 2) Owners: spend more money in FUERZAS BASICAS. The future is there and we need more tall, stronger strikers with hability of dribbling. Yes, we need to "MAKE UP" these players, feed them well, a lot of weigths, gym and mental prep, etc. Support EL TRI more than anything else and export players to best leagues. will continue... 3) Coaches (currently working with teams). Impact the players minds for those that are EL TRI material. Better prep, study more, get to Europe for additional studies. etc. I propose a tandem for EL TRI with Pekerman and Hugo (as a assistant coach) or Ramirez (since he knows al these youngsters). I think 2 is better than one. A good adviser is NEEDED right next to the coach!!! 4) Players: work harder, stay after practices just as Hugo used to do it. Improve in the areas they know they lack of: el juego por arriba, el juego rapido por las bandas, desaciertos a balon parado, etc. 5) Fans: always, always be united. Those fights Mexicans vs Mexicans in the stadiums is just a reflect of what happens to our futbol. We want our team to perform 100% and we give 20.. WE ALL have to be an example of discipline, love for our country, whether we work in a factory, as a dishwasher in a restaurant, collecting cotton or grapes, being an onwer of a company... we are Mexican, wherever we go and we should support EL TRI. If we don't like something, then we shouldn't pay to watch the games because that's what the FMF does: focus on our money. If they don't come up with a long-term plan, we will never succeed. let's give them an example on how we could succeed, a living example of the Mexican force in the US that against all odd have a better,decent life that in our beloved country. and 6) Press... there's no help if they just laugh about the missing scoring chances or what Hugo brings to the table. They should be critics in the best way but only to get our futbol better, trying to help our futbol. Many of them just criticize for the sake of them pero no aportan nada bueno... en fin... verdad Carlos Albert? I wanted to take my frustration out to not seeing our team in the Olympics.. great generation that hopefully can get us something to cheer in 2010, 2014 and 2018.
Mexican Football (Soccer) - 8 Answers
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1 :
My plan would to try and figure out a way to get the FMF to try and make a contract with Serie A or La Iiga to let them experiment with mexican players. It would be like we let you borrow some of ours and you let us borrow some of yours. that way mexicans are playing in the top leagues and semi-top players are playing in the Primera division making it more challenging. It sounds silly but it could work. Yea mexico need to play England and Portugal etc. More friendlies would totally help. Send our Fuerzas basicas to top Second division teams or lower middle ranked teams. Make them play against teams that are known for playing soccer. i know im a horrible planner but it could work! other than that i agree with you.
2 :
you want to play against the best of the best but too bad they dont want to play with you and it's not because they are afraid of losing.
3 :
yeah ? right on ! lol sorry i dont watch mexican footie nuff
4 :
I read your proposal and it sounds like a great idea but it wont work!!! First.....they wont ever have the full schedual for any of the outside tournaments that the FMF teams will play in!! For example......they cant get the calander for the libertadores because it they dont know what teams will qualify from winning the interliga, and if they will make it passed the first round! Also the FMF only cares about the money....DID you know that if they fire Hugo right now....the FMF will lost money by NOT having him on the bench?? Its all a damn bussiness and people need to speak up and bring all these things to light or else the FMF and the National team wont ever amount to anything!! Mexico doesnt play against any GOOD european teams becuase they dont want to pay the big sum of money that the FMF asks for to play with Mexico!! So if anything needs to change....its the greed of the FMF.
5 :
Its a very ambitious plan, but I like it. We have to start somewhere. Its just like building an economy, where by you need the support of the entire country. Might just work.
6 :
every futbol federation around the world is like politics, they can promise, do good, do bad, dissapoint......and everyone is always going to either complain or applaud. you have good points, but its easier said than done. about the fuerzas basicas im with you 110%, they the future, everyone should get an example from Chivas & young players every season.
7 :
sounds like a plan to me now all thats left is that the people in the fmf actually do whats right for the sport and not their purse
8 :
You made VERY good suggestions and I have no doubt that if the FMF, Coaches, Players, Press, etc. did that we would IMMENSELY improve. But I'm afraid that will not happen. I doubt they will ever formally get together and make those resolutions. WE the fans can try to make things better like you mentioned by NOT fighting and supporting La Seleccion as much as we can. Other than that we can just hope for the best.
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