Saturday, January 28, 2012

Liberals, would you ever support the confiscating of 401K's and IRA accounts...?

Liberals, would you ever support the confiscating of 401K's and IRA accounts...?
a la the recent events in Argentina. After all, if I contribute the maximum to my 401K and Roth IRA from the ages of 25-60, According to historic market returns I would have more than $6 million upon retirement. Would that make me rich, and entitle other people who "need" the money more to part of it? LOL. So much naivety. I'm sure that if your party masters ever decreed such an act, you would be jumping through hoops to defend it. How else can you explain your defense of transforming Social Security from a defined benefits plan funded by personal contributions into a welfare system funded by the "rich". LOL. Darwin; hope you are not a professional gambler, because I am maxing out both my 401K and my Roth. AIS: Nobody is talking about the current suggestions of tax reform. The question is hypothetical. Try to keep up.
Politics - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Congrats, you win the Joe the Plumber Golden Plunger Award for the lamest question of the day!
3 :
If you were smart you would pull all of your money out of anything 'American' before Obama gets in and put it in off-shore accounts.
4 :
Sure, if the 401ks and IRA accounts belonged to scumbags like mccain's buddy charles keating or bush's pal ken lay. (since they stole other people's life-savings it would just be retribution)
5 :
You are a genuine fruit cake. No one is going to take your money. Now you may have to pay 40% tax on anything you withdraw over $250,000 a year vs. the 33% you would pay now. This is not the end of the world, give us a break.
6 :
No. I teach a financial management class and tell people to do what you are doing. Remember that you may not have COLA when you begin to withdraw your funds. How much do you put into your 401k? 10% of gross income, I hope. None I bet.
7 :
THANKS to the current economy we WON'T HAVE ANY 401K's!!!
8 :
No. Republicans have allready seen to that with the Stock Market crash
9 :
No. After 35 years of strict free market capitalism, your $6 million won't be enough to qualify you as "rich." Inflation will render it to about as much as $600 is worth today. Tax revenue is necessary to run our country, and thanks to the Bush administration, the richest 5% are the only ones that can afford the taxes.
10 :
As it is, the government allows raids into your IRA, SSI and 401k plans. What you think is yours is, in fact, unsecured. Look for a different outlook on retirement plans as the government socializes the banking industry. Why should our tax dollars go towards providing a profit to government?
11 :
Certainly not. But, since the "con's don't want to pay any more taxes on their taxable income, we need to stop giving them a free ride with tax deductions for contributions to those IRAs and 401Ks. They may not feel that higher tax rates are fair--but they have no right not to pay taxes on ALL the money they earn, like everyone else has to.
12 :
With the Democrats in complete power, under an Obama regime, I put nothing past them. Here's an excerpt from The Wall Street Journal story covering this outrage: "Mrs. Kirchner won't have trouble making the case for expropriation to Congress, which is controlled by her fellow Peronists. When the Argentine government ran out of money in 2001, it blamed the market and increased its own role in the economy. Since then it has imposed price controls, defaulted on its debt, seized dollar bank accounts, devalued the currency, nationalized businesses and tried to set confiscatory tax rates with the aim of making society more 'fair.'"
13 :
No, even though that's what the crapitalist pigs of the Ponzi Street wall scheme tried to do and pretty much succeeded. Why do you ask if liberals support a conservative scam?
14 :
You are either highly confused and/or a hard core, right wing, FOX watching, Rush and Hannity loving, thinks Max Drudge is god, Republican. Not sure how you equate a rise of 3% in taxes over $250,000 to 'confiscating of 401K's and IRA accounts'. You obviously need a heavy dose of reality.
15 :
Guess, you don't know how 401Ks work and I guess you don't understand how assistance programs work (welfare)...Do you know it cost the tax payers more of their money to support the Iraq war for only one month then it does to support the welfare system in this country for an entire year... If you are so concerned about your money maybe you need to start complaining about the war since that's where the money is really going
16 :
That money is going to get taxed anyway, so what is your point. Taxes pay for Police, Fireman, Armed Forces, Education, Highways, Coast Guards, EM T's, FEMA, FAA, FBI, FDA, FCC, and every other government acronym. People who need it are spouses of those who lost their lives fighting for freedom, the elderly whose children do not care for them, children in foster care, Palin's wardrobe, summer homes for the CEO's of major corporations. Welfare is the least of your problems. I for one work hard. Well I appear to work hard behind my office door while I rigorously respond to Jackasses on YA, worried that their pseudo wealth will be squandered on poor Neeegro children in the projects whose parents are too lazy to work. Meanwhile their mothers work 12 hour shifts wiping the asses of old white women for $8 an hour because their children are way too busy checking their blackberries to smell the shit she has been stewing in for the 8 hours the nurses aide was actually allowed to go home. By the way Medicare pays that bill so I guess you'd cut that off too and let that old bitch die. The people that need help are the cashiers in Walmart, McDonalds, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, the Gap, Old Navy, Marshall's, TJ Maxx, The Nurse's Aides, Janitors, Maids, Servants, Waiters, Waitresses, Dental Hygenist, Secretaries, Receptionist, Shoe Salesman, Supermarket Employees, Customer Service Rep at your phone, cable, electric company, the Security Guard, bus driver, token both clerk, train operatpr, mechanic, the rude bitch behind the desk at your local department of motor vehicles, gas station attendant, school crossing guard, teachers, public school coaches, guidance counselor, college admission counselors. Sorry I have to take my lazy ass into a meeting right now.
17 :
A lot of these answers from the left are downright alarming.... has the feel of a Gestapo type attitude. I have visions of productive people getting rousted out of their houses by brownshirt-clad Obama Youth forces, bussed off to re-education camps when they resist confiscation of their property.