Friday, February 1, 2013

What do you think of a 27-year-old guy dating an 18-year-old girl who is a senior in high school?

What do you think of a 27-year-old guy dating an 18-year-old girl who is a senior in high school?
I'm 27, and I'm a lawyer who specializes in international contract arbitration. I make good money. A few months ago I hired a high school girl for an afterschool job to do simple things like stuff envelopes and sort the mail at my office. She brought in her sister one day, and whoa, that girl was just amazingly hot. We hit it off, and ended up having sex. She apparently wants to be my "girlfriend." Is this a good idea? For one thing, I am not monogamous. I visit Paris pretty often for business. I have a girl there, too. We're not dating (actually, she is married to an older guy), but she's my girl, and when I'm there, we always get together for sex and fun. I have a girl like this in Shanghai, too. I also have an ex-girlfriend who lives in Buenos Aires, and we still have sex sometimes. I'm not giving that up. Would an 18-year-old girl understand this arrangement? What are some difficulties I might encounter if I try to date a girl who is still in high school? I should mention that I also have an ex-wife, but we don't have sex anymore, because we hate each other.
Singles & Dating - 44 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
sounds like a good idea.
2 :
cradle robber!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 :
grow up and sleep with women your own age....she is still a baby for christ sakes!
4 :
I think your a perv. I don't care if she's legal. She still in high school.
5 :
What if it were your daughter? You wouldn't want some older guy screwing her. So stop!!!!!!
6 :
It's a bit strange and makes me think the guy really likes immaturity....and hopefully no girl in the world would "understand" you having sex with your ex on a regular basis. And technically the girl in Paris is not your girlfriend....she's a wife...and not your wife. People like you are the reason std's spread.
7 :
Sounds like you have problems. Don't put this poor 18 y/o girl in the middle of your issues. Stop having sex with this girl, and the 3 others!!
8 :
um i dont know if you'll have difficulties since she technically is an adult, but thats kind of weird and gross and i think you need to grow up and quit sleeping around
9 :
sunds like ur a perv if i were her bro id kick your ass
10 :
NO NO NO. i respect you and all, but that girl needs to get a brain transplant and realize that a 9 age difference isn't that cool.
11 :
I hope this is a joke because if not, you disgust me. I hate guys like you who have "girls" (espeically married ones!) here there and everywhere and won't commit to one. Do you just have sex with anybody who is willing? I don't even want to think about the diseases you have. And if you ever grow up and want an actual relationship, good luck finding a decent girl.
12 :
Tell her to bring more friends
13 :
Seriously, Dude, you supposedly get through law school and have to post this question? I smell a troll. Stop dating all together. You shouldn't reproduce.
14 :
She's in high school, did you miss your senior prom? Get over yourself and let this poor girl go. Gross!
15 :
whoah you seem to be a player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should defintely tell this girl what your up to. but as long as shes willing to have a relationship eith you then let it be because shes legal. but she would be very stupid to stay with you! stupid girls these days
16 :
it s defintly wrong its a thin line between illegal and legal and the guys probaly pressuring her to do thingss.......
17 :
It depends on the girl, but my assumption would be she would assume the relationship to be monogamous, but really it depends on her. If she wants you two to "date" as in go out to movies, etc, then a typical high school girl would get pissed
18 :
I think that you and her are both desperate and need to get lives.
19 :
You are awful. She wouldn't understand that one bit. You are a total user and wrong.
20 :
I'm telling you from expierence NOT a good idea. I was 18 and I was "in love" with a 26 yr old. We were at 2 totally different stages in our lives. i was just starting college, and he already had his degree and his career established. She can be very mature, but girls between 16-19 get their feelings attached WAY too soon. I would play it with caution! Good Luck!
21 :
You're using your position and power to have sex with her.. end of story. If she's ok with that fine.. otherwise you're leading her on.
22 :
Well, while she's 18 and that's considered legal, it's still wrong. Find some girl who is closer to your age and play with her. Don't corrupt this young child.
23 :
Sounds like you have enough girls at the present to be honest!! And you know what younger girls are like...once she's slept with you she will get attached and she will want to spend lots of time with you and of course she will not want you to be seeing anyone else. Explain what you're up to with other girls and let her decide if she's willing to get involved with you but please do not lie to her and cover things up because you'll hurt her a lot. I've been through this before with an older guy, i'm 18 and he's als 27 and i hated it. But hey, this girl might like it, who knows?
24 :
Are you nuts. This eighteen year old girl is thinking wedding bells picket fences and "Happily ever after". Find someone a bit more mature and a lot more "understanding".
25 :
wow what a player well amazed you hae all this worked out so nicely. a high school girl usually 9 out of 10 wont understand and well she will get her feelings hurt and you'll be stuck in a sh*t storm without an umbrella i say you should hit it a few more times and tell her to hit the road bc shes too young and immature
26 :
Your disturbed and need help. Leave the girl alone. Don't break her heart.
27 :
Good for him, bad for her.
28 :
it sounds like ur a fuc*ing perv u nasty FUC* grow up and go out w/ people ur own age and stop sleeping around imma laugh my ass off when u get std's u fuc*ing pig!!!!!! Casanova
29 :
Proust, this sounds rather doubtful but if it is indeed true then there are many downfalls. Not many of your peers are going to feel comfortable around a girl this young so you couldn't really take her anywhere with you, same with her friends not wanting to hang around a guy your age. There is no way in hell that she is going to agree with your having a female in every port so forget about that one. Her folks would probably want to sue your ass off. And won't you feel like a real man going back to high school to pick her up. Time for this lawyer to do some growing up and acting his age, getting someone not so vulnerable and more an equal with you.
30 :
holy **** dude im 15 who has dated guys and girls around 10 yrs older then me but damn... tell her that you have girls that are married who cheat on their husbands and that you still sleep with your ex and her at the same time... she's a teenager and that wont last long. scary part is, your a lawyer, you could get out of the legal bind if you needed to so either way your fine, which isnt fair...
31 :
Problem is 18 year old are dumb & wont understand it. I'm also 27 & have fooled around with younger girls (18 to 20 yr olds) It usually ends poorly because they have soo much growing up to do. Casual sex is usually tied to emotions at that age. But it sounds like you are pretty good at juggling girls & like I said, she is only 18 & dumb. Im sure you can make it work. Difficulties you will face: not being able to hang out with her bars, dealing with her parents, having to hang out on occasion with her lame 18 year old friends, listening to her complain about how hard AP Calculus is, basically dealing with high school drama.
32 :
I think you're looking for women to join your harem. Most women aren't going to be cool with a cheater. So stick with the ones who don't seem to mind. Most 18 year olds haven't been hurt enough to be cynical and have either jaded relationships or they aren't experienecd enough to consider open relationships. She's legal, but leading her on is wrong is a different way. If you tell her all these things you told us, and she is still interested, go for it. But I doubt it. Congrats on potentially being her first heartbreak!
33 :
Numbers are just digits! My sisters hubby is 45, and she is 32 My nan was 14 when she met my grandad who was 20..and they were together till he died at the age of 92, my my mum and step dad has 20 yer age gap. yet all of these people were in love. The worrying thing is your other women! TELL HER about the other women, and see what she thinks!
34 :
no body should have to understand sharing you with other women. Most really want you to themselves. And a 18 year old will get more attached then you really want her to be.
35 :
thats hot. jump in balls deep.
36 :
There is nouthing wrong with what you are doing.Its her motives you need to be concerned about.
37 :
i think your helping the girl in paris cheat on her husband which is stupid on both parts, she should just divorce if she goes through all the trouble to cheat.... infedelity and adultery is a sin! im no christian but that is definitely one commandment i do abide by, your a bastard individual, and people like you aren't meant to have any future with any self respecting woman..... your ignorant and immature so if i ever met you i would probably become full blown lesbian...
38 :
dude not cool beside she will change her mind in about 3 years.
39 :
Be honest with this girlfriend-wanna-be. She is young. It surprises me why an educated person you claim to be is so promiscuous. (?) All the diseases you could be getting and then unknowingly passing on to your admitted stable of girls. It's too bad you don't have the emotional or social maturity to date in your own age group.
40 :
Dude, 18 year old girl's in High School have NO CLUE what they want. They think they want something, but really, they are just stupid. Not stupid in all, just at that time in their life. Just let her go, obviously you have a pretty sweet situation. Don't corrupt her, let her go, and let her be 18. Ya'll are at two COMPLETELY different stages in your life and it just doesn't match at all period. Do her a favor and end it.
41 :
Play on Playa.Chances are she wont understand,so dont tell her anything.Just date her for as long as it works out.
42 :
they aren't GF's, they're hookups
43 :
Sounds you have lived and had a good time. Why don't you leave her alone so she can do the same. A 18 year old, especially still in high school is not usually at a mature mental stage in her life do determine the difference between love and lust. I know my daughter who is almost 18 thinks that she is in love with every guy she goes out with for more than 3 dates. Then like most high school kids falls out of love when the next cute guy comes along. So I guess what I am saying is be careful you don't open up a can of worms you wish you would have left closed.
44 :
WOW.. So you are a Lawyer? I cannot believe you are actually on here asking for advice on this subject!!!! Leave the poor girl alone and tell her it is no longer appropriate to be involved with her. WTF is your problem. I am so very offended and reading everything you wrote makes me sick to my stomach. Have you ever heard of ummm STD's, getting people pregnant. Who do you think you are??? Seriously buddy, if you were a real man, Then grow up and do your f****n job!!