Monday, June 14, 2010

If football players are guaranteed to make soooo much money, why do only poor countries export players?

If football players are guaranteed to make soooo much money, why do only poor countries export players?
When I say this don't be silly and point out 1 German in another league....the only nationals that leave a country are the extremely talented. How many English players are there in Argentina? Brazil? Uruguay? How many French players are there in Algeria? Senegal?
FIFA World Cup(TM) - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are all kinds of American players playing in Europe.
2 :
It's simple. Players are attracted to the money and the exposure and where do you find the most money in football? Not in Africa, and not in Latin America but in Europe, and if it wasn't for the salary cap rule in the USA, I believe we would see many talented Europeans in the MLS.
3 :
They don't want them.
4 :
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