Friday, October 1, 2010

TEFL/ Teaching English Abroad------///----///----////----//// Argentina:)?

TEFL/ Teaching English Abroad------///----///----////----//// Argentina:)?
Hey guys, I'm 20 years old living in the States and just finished my first year of college. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with teaching English abroad and what you did. I'm interested in Living abroad to teach, not just joining a 1-Year program. - I heard it's better to have a 'degree' before traveling abroad to teach English, but I also heard it's very possible to find a job with just a TEFL certificate or similar. I've lived in Argentina for a couple years and that would be my first country of choice to work. I know the pay isn't the greatest from teaching English but if I could make enough money to support myself I'd be fine. One more thing, it doesn't have to be Argentina, I'm mainly interested in leaving the States. Any ideas? -Thanks - I'm not interested in 'studying abroad. I want to know if anyone has any experience working/living abroad.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
You'll get the best job if you have a college degree and a TEFL diploma. The college degree doesn'thave to be in English, BTW. You say you lived down there -- do you speak Spanish? That will be a great help. I taught mostly in Asia, but the general rule of thumb is that if you want to work for a decent school and get a livable wage, then you need to have good qualifications. Your experience in Argentina will be a plus, and don't knock the 1 year programs, because with your experience there you could make connections that would enable you to stay.